The pacing of Orion is, as much as it hurts me to say this about an Inazuma Eleven installment, horrible. And it all can be concluded by one word: pacing. But the Inazuma Eleven fan inside of me knows that I was disappointed throughout the entire run of it. On a very basic level, I could enjoy it when new techniques were shown. And that, to me, is sadder than if they had not been brought on to the team to begin with.Įnjoyment (1/10) - Let's just get this out of the way early: at some point, I ended up watching Orion not because I enjoyed it or because I wanted to know what would happen next, but to find out how they would try and salvage what was left to salvage. And that would have been okay if those new additions got the respect they deserved, but the moment that they had their place in the spotlight they were sidelined almost immediately after. Sure we also lost some characters along the way, but we ended with a surplus of characters. The worst part of all this is that they were doing okay for the first half of Orion, because once it got to the world tournament they ended up ADDING characters to the main team. What is the issue is that there is no way for us to bond with any of them as there is no feasible way for Orion to properly showcase any character growth whatsoever (except if you are one of the main characters). The characters themselves are perfectly fine, that's not the issue. Orion's Inazuma Japan starts out with nineteen members right from the first episode, which is a bigger problem than most people might realize. The Inazuma Japan from Galaxy had thirteen members at most. The Inazuma Japan from the original Inazuma Eleven had sixteen members at any given time. I could write this whole review just about the characters in Orion, but. I will also admit that I am a pretty big fan of the third ED of Orion and more than its OP, which is something I can't say I am since Maji Bomber all the way back in the original Inazuma Eleven's third season.Ĭharacter (2/10) - Oh boy. Sound (6/10) - The soundtracks of Inazuma Eleven has always been pretty good, and even though I feel like it has gone down with Ares and Orion, they're still pretty decent. I am not that big of a fan of these if that was not obvious. I know that there are goal celebrations in the other installments of Inazuma Eleven, but these somehow feel.

Orion also does this thing where they have goal celebrations from the characters of the main team, especially in the first half of Orion.

The animation of all the new techniques introduced in Orion (and there are a lot of them!) has certainly improved, but none barring one (maybe two) of these were techniques that left me with a spark and in awe. In short, the story tried to focus on one specific plot point but it ended up becoming a rushed mess that, honestly, was quite all over the place.Īrt (4/10) - With a new franchise come new techniques and new animation techniques to, well. Orion also suffers from the same pacing problem that Ares had, but then cranked up to an eleven (more on that in the Enjoyment part of this review). Sure there are only so few plot ideas they could have gone for with what is effectively Inazuma Eleven's eighth arc, but it really feels very weak. By trying too hard to reference everything, Orion ends up in this weird space where it cannot stand out from the others. but the execution of everything is horrid, there is no other way to describe it. It would serve as a little bit of an easter egg for the faithful fans who have watched every episode of every season where we could go "Ah, that came from Galaxy, and that one came from the Aliea Academy arc!". Orion takes inspiration from the other Inazuma Eleven seasons, every one of them if you want to analyze every little frame, and this was a nice idea. All right, so those watching Orion will directly notice several things.

I also make a handful of references to the other installments of Inazuma Eleven in this review to try and emphasize my point.

I waited until I watched every episode of this to know for sure whether or not I would be certain of my decision, and having watched all 49 episodes I can say this with no regret: I am really disappointed with what Orion has become. It hurts, as a big Inazuma Eleven fan who watched the franchise ever since the first season of Inazuma Eleven was still airing, to give such a low rating for an Inazuma Eleven franchise.